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The business environment on the global level is an important component these days and support the growth and development of various aspects of companies with respect to profits, revenue generation and market suitability. In regard to the same, companies are susceptible to various factors on the competition platforms. They need strategic planning and implementation of proper measures which will prove beneficial and provide support to the entire business organisation. Furthermore, it caters to the needs and requirements of international customers by combating the marketplaces through employing the latest trends and applying suitable strategies for overall profits. This assignment is based on the research that is based on the business partnership between Chinese Construction Equipment Manufacturer Zoomlion with Compagnia Italiana Forme Acciaio (CIFA), the Italian concrete equipment manufacturer. It also describes the internal benefits with the synergies prevailing after this partnership between both their employees and staff. Moreover, it lays light on the contribution of both the country's governments, that is. Italy and China. This includes the models like Handy's Model etc. to gain insights into the cultural disparities along with national and corporate cultures. Moreover, this will assist in improving the economic aspects and related knowledge for overall enhancements of the operational activities.
With reference to the partnership between Zoomlion and CIFA, it has become the talking point as it led the medium sized construction machinery maker into the maximum stakeholder of 60 percent at CIFA in association with other two investors. For Zoomlion, this came under the strategic planning of expansion in terms of competing at global levels by boosting their technologies and exportation in the labour markets. This move came after its biggest rival Sany Heavy Industry's announcement of investments of more than 100 million dollars for a new US Facility (Brock, 2005).
This partnership has proved beneficial in terms of matching synergies between both companies. Zoomlion used its own cash of 50 million dollars and rest borrowed from the Barclay's Bank of Hong Kong branch in the hope to secure a foothold in overseas through this expansion plan by sales generation of 40 percent of total sales (Luo, 2007). On the other hand, Cifa's eight shareholders sold the entire shares in acquisition to maintain the brand's name through Magenta, an Italian's private sector equity enterprise.
Here, the Chinese government promoted investments by regional corporations in abroad due to its hunger of influencing the mature markets by prevailing capitalism. Additionally, the struggling equity markets tend to seek such options by Chinese buyers to capture the deal by not over-paying for the asset. Thus, the government looked into this arena after encountering failure in few overseas deals.
Nonetheless, this impacted the Italian Government in small manner as the shares of its products in international market might make Zoomlion the largest concrete handling company in the world. Although, the entire framework of R&D and supervision of drawings with related components has been done at their head office only and underpinned the future positioning in the targeted growth rate (Caponio, 2005). Along with, the engineering parts like hydraulics and mechanical have been delivered from Milan only leading to implement the governmental policies for exporting and other taxation charges. It assisted in entering the Chinese market in direct terms by setting up of their factory due to the shared synergies.
This analysis is done to understand the micro-environmental factors in terms business and project management. China has opened up its cross border activities to gain economic profits by moving towards e-commerce development, low labour costs and growing GDP rate. Further, it also laid regulations with respect to IPR, Taxation, consumers' rights in relation to reliability and validity of electronic products (Schniederjans & et.al., 2015). The sociocultural have a deep rooted affects as China's demographics of being the most populous country leads to fluctuations in distribution of social parameters like religion, emigration, education etc. However, there is an unstable online payment system as B2C industry is still in developing phase, with lack of trust in the functioning and low acceptance of credit card usage. The environmental aspects involve the reduction in carbon footprint with proper elimination of wastage in the surroundings.
Italian market has variations as the Parliament has remained unchanged and is making changes to overhaul the enactment of bills at speedy manner. It led to a shaken economy and rise in rate of unemployment. Along with, the Euro crisis made it worse but such acquisitions led to a participative system by trusting the private sector and the government (Geckeler, 2006). This is an agrarian based country but also one of the richest economies and had a good debt ratio with good VAT offers. Its community is proper mix of urban and local and include shopkeepers, farmers, estate owners and more. In addition, it is called as the hub of innovations and conceptualizations in art and scientific experiments. Here, pollution is the area of problem but also promoter of renewable sources of energy. Lastly, it is feeding in the court of jurisdiction where tribunals, court of appeal are evident.
This five forces have helped in shedding light on the usage of heavy machineries in both the countries. As both the companies are into the same sector, this acquisition helped them, in retaining their positing in the targeted markets. This deal came when the entire global suffering from financial crunch, thus they suffered a steep decline in their sales and revenues. However, this acquisition paved a path of opportunities for both sides at global markets. Furthermore, this conceptual framework determine the intensity between the competitive forces to attract the potential growth in the Industrial Organisation (Bellandi & Di Tommaso, 2005). The Porter's Five Forces Framework put insights on the heavy machineries at globalism level with respect to Zoomlion and Cifa. There have been an analysis in terms of buyers' power of Zoomlion with other two investors with inclusion of suppliers bargaining power, of giving back in the surplus market through consistent quality and standards, the complete competitive rivalry with the threat of new entrants like Sanye etc. with substitution of threats.
This partnership paved a customary evolution in the heavy machineries' sector. Due to economic recession, the Chinese Company, Zoomlion took this step of acquiring Cifa to conquer this sector on global level through expansion by streamlining their decision making and gaining the competitive edge over its local rival company Sany. Nonetheless, with maturation in time, it has affected both the companies’ synergies with respect to sales, revenues and production (Peng & et.al. 2017). However, there were a few challenges attached with it, as China was still in progression of putting foot in the global market, the Italian political system was booming (Deresky,2017). This affected the dynamism as Cifa was in turmoil state due to decreased revenues and was given a steady push to directly enter the Chinese market without any significant moves. Zoomlion needed to crack on the global podium and tapped this opportunity by joining into new dimensional territory with a pool of options and it became the second largest European and Chinese acquisition deal of that time.
This can be compared and contrasted with another joint venture of Zoomlion's with India's largest Industrial Crane Manufacturer, ElectroMech. This deal was set up for the first time as the direct invested overseas plant. It has 70 per cent with the strategic planning of going localized by becoming globalised through investing in the Indian market for 100 million dollars (Meyer & Peng, 2016). Recently, India is on the brink of growing economies and has a GDP of 8 percent growth rate (Deresky, 2017). Thus, this alliance led both the companies in the limelight by entering the infrastructural sector having tower cranes as the potential future place with an explosive demand in all developmental projects like construction, real estate and more.
In this regard, the justification that can be inferred is that Zoomlion has spread its power in almost all the countries gradually by taking over the global market in strategic alliance with other similar companies of the world to spread out the product portfolio through market positioning. It helped to utilise the advanced technologies with the expertise in research and development with manufacturing sector strengthened the service with sales and profits in exponential direction (Wilson & Wilson, 2017). Henceforth, this partnership of Zoomlion with both Cifa and Electro Mech respectively encountered into addressing opportunities in tapping new and reserved marketplaces in successful and effective manner and such small companies in terms of global level can replicate this Chinese company's growth and progression at international level (Welford, 2016).
The above mentioned partnership involves both corporate and national cultures that have an impact on the overall working practices. There are many models which must be explored to study the nature of this partnership and its effects.
This model is based on the cross cultural communication between the management and business ethics. It has seven dimensions namely:
Individualism vs Communitarianism- Here, the realization of culture disparity is important as China has low individualism with high communitarianism, and Italy with high intensity of individualism due to the cultural differences' in their societal norms (Zander, McDougall-Covin & Rose, 2015).
Neutral vs Emotional- Neutrality means emotionless or holding back like China whereas emotional infers an open and natural culture in terms of Italian culture.
Universalism vs Particular-ism- These are the beliefs with set of practical ideals which can be applied but when in general then called as universal ism and when applied as per situations then referred as particular-ism (Tate & et.al., 2014). China has high particuliarism whereas Italy led the universalism ideology that led to innovations.
Specific vs Diffuse- This aspect concentrates on the interconnection between the different aspects of life such as work life balance (Meyer & Peng, 2016). Italian people in coalition with integrated work responsibilities whereas Chinese have the diffusivity nature.
Sequential vs Syn-chronic- Here, sequential is the time specific with chain of events. Whereas syn-chronic is structured with proper scheduling. This is circumstantial and is based on both long and short term orientations. In this aspect, both of the parties behaved as per the situation.
Internal vs External control- In this, all the factors are important, that is both internal and external environmental factors (Schniederjans & et.al., 2015).
Achievement vs Ascription- Achievement culture is based on performing functions whereas ascription is the term where an individual's personality is significant (Zucchella & Magnani, 2016). China is ascripted oriented and Italy is achievement based.
This model assisted the workforce of both the companies in viable and proper way, leading to enhanced productivity and sales volume.
This is the model which lays emphasis on the organizational culture and is based on the power, role, task and person. Here, the power describes both the companies strengths which is based on the workforce' abilities, knowledge and skills. If followed effectively, then organization is on the path of success (Terjesen & et.al. 2016). Its initiated from the role culture has an imperative part in standardization and formalization of functional areas through collaboration with stable business environment. In context of partnership, this took place with the purpose of gaining steady growth at global level (McIntosh,Waddock & Kell, 2017). Moreover, task culture is influenced from structured project orientation for bringing profits. Lastly, the person culture mainly depends on unusual cultural work space due to such partnerships between two countries, affecting the entire organizational set-up (Gerschewski, Rose & Lindsay, 2015).
To sum up, these models helped the companies to gain insights about the existing and newly formed policies and their employees reactions for better working environment (Hair Jr & et.al., 2015).
There are cultural differences in both business and national levels. With advent of globalization and open economy, there are various dimensions to analyze the differences in national cultures with respect to organizational culture (Zahra & et.al., 2014). This difference can assist the organization to channelize the behavior of workforce by unifying the managerial problems arising due to this parameter. Moreover, this occurs due to diversified cultural backgrounds, traditions, values and religious beliefs (Taglioni & Winkler, 2016). Here, one must have an understanding that business cultures are the practices due to strategic options between different companies whereas the national cultures are connected to the different cultural values.
In addition to the above, national cultures is the representation of country's socialization networking whereas the corporate cultures is the foundation framework of capitalistic goals and objectives through making a uniform corporate work culture among different employees for exploiting as well as accepting the already existent regulations and policies (Acs, Szerb & Lloyd, 2017).
In order to bring association with the capital market linkage with the organizational cultural distance, it is imperative to know the metrics for the measurement and reflection of the bias differences. Mainly, the primary metric is the religious beliefs prevailed it he country which has direct link with behavioral approach ability of individuals (Tuleja, 2014). Secondly, Hofstede cultural dimensions must be considered such as power distance, masculinity, uncertain avoidance and individualism (Boshyk, 2016). These gives the stock market analysis that sharing a common religion have positive results whereas cultural distance has negative impact and has effects on stock prices in the market in relation to both the companies after the partnership.
Hedging Effect- It is the transfer of restricting the probability of losses with respect to market positioning in which the market participant has been included (Hamilton & Webster, 2015). With context of this partnership, it helped the companies to take strategic decisions for welfare of themselves in profound manner.
Transaction Exposure- It is defined as the risk that companies faced due to the international trade faces because of the exchange rates of currency (Barak, 2016). Here, both the companies were at equal exposure of financial obligations towards such fluctuating rate of exchange.
Interpretation: This graph clearly demonstrates about China's decade performance in Balance of payments which has been progressing in steady mode. In between 2010-2014, there were investments abroad affecting the movement of capital in flexible approach. Additionally, with RMB, there are channels which made the flow of private capital out of China smoothly.
Translation Exposure- This is defined as that company's risk in which assets, liabilities, equities that will affect the alternations on the rate of exchange (Bird & Mendenhall, 2016). Henceforth, both the companies denominates a portion of their liabilities/assets in terms of foreign currency.
Economic Exposure- This is popularly called as operating exposure, and is considered as that effect that has been occurred due to unexpected rate of currency in the company's cash flows (Merry, Davis & Kingsbury,2015). Here, both companies joined hands with the same purpose.
There are many challenging aspects that I have encountered while studying the implications of doing business globally and internationally.
With globalization, digitalization and liberalization with cross functional strategic partnerships for betterment of businesses led an atmosphere of different people working under one roof. In broader aspects, culture is refereed as the group of traditions, beliefs, practises on the basis of ethnicity, religion, race and other such factors that supplementary add to the workplace diversity and work-styles (Falkner,2017). This can be combated by having a transparent interactive channel to generate awareness about the significance of one's individuality and its contribution to the workspace (Kolk, 2016). In totality, it assists in acceleration of economic progression by bringing innovative and regional ethical geographical attributes.
This analysis is important because a validation with reliability factor is significant in doing bushiness between more than one partner. It leads to community partnership, which is reflecting on the arrangement of such associations to achieve the targeted goals and objectives (Levie & et.al., 2014). Nevertheless, such partner analysis is an ongoing procedure to recognise and identify the participant's abilities while conducting such coalition work (Piekkari, Welch & Welch, 2014). Therefore, this is like a mutual agreement between two parties to share profits, knowledge, human resources, technologies and other connected components while engaging in a partnership to uplift the entire framework effectively.
This is the most critical step to understand by assessing the economic characteristics, financial statements, scorecards, shareholders' equity, current status of company's financial position in the market, liabilities if any and whatsoever (Picciotto & Mayne, 2016). Corporate world is based on losses and gains and thereby, the complete information must be understandable to each party before getting into coalition to enhance the operational efficiencies.
It has been summarized that business is going internationally and globally with advent of LPG policy and rise of digitalization. To sum up, it can be concluded that Cifa and Zoomlion took the best strategic decision for the joint venture successfully and expanded their brand on global levels successfully. Furthermore, this laid emphasis on the various possible effects of various exchange change rate movements. Additionally, it also demonstrated the differences between the national and corporate cultures for effective working practices at both the above mentioned companies. To sum up, it has become evident that globalization accelerated the growth rate with the improvements in the generation of revenues and sales volume.
Political |
Economic |
Socio-cultural |
Technological |
Legal |
Environmental |
Political |
Economic |
Socio-cultural |
Technological |
Legal |
Environmental |
Bargaining Power of Suppliers |
Bargaining Power of customers |
Threat of New Entrants |
Threat of Substitute Products |
Competitive Rivalry within industry |
Power Distance |
Individualism |
Masculinity |
Uncertainty Avoidance |
Long term Orientation |
Indulgence |
Power Distance |
Individualism |
Masculinity |
Uncertainty Avoidance |
Long term Orientation |
Indulgence |
Sl No. |
Factors in each model |
Components |
Description |
1 |
Employees' relationship |
2 |
Authoritative Attitude |
3 |
Ways of thinking and learning |
4 |
People attitude |
5 |
Change management |
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