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    Corporate Social Responsibility In Oakman Inns

    University: Regent College London

    • Unit No: 6
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 19 / Words 4812
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: D/508/0491
    • Downloads: 1403


    Corporate social responsibility is a process in which a company will take steps for development as well as the betterment of society. Management has to take effective steps for society to find out all problems and issues (Crane and Matten, 2016). Therefore, helping as well as improving the social standards for this activity of CSR will take place. It enables a company for gaining a competitive benefit by applying this plan within the enterprise. It is a voluntary initiative which does not need any form of legislation. Oakman Inns is an organization having a chain of 16 pubs ranked 4th in the list of top 100 within the hospitality sector. In order to gain a higher position, management has to create differences of the image from others. The company has to apply the activities of CSR within their enterprise. The main thing that will be accomplished by a company under Corporate social responsibility is environmental sustainability and protection. In this research project, proper objectives, as well as aims for assignment, are formulated within a limited time period along with that produce a project management plan.

    TASK 1

    P1 Objectives and aims for the selected scenario

    In this today's world, Corporate social responsibility is important for each company to gain competitive benefit within enterprise. It is one of main thing by which management can create as well as maintain their differences of image from others. It include as a promotional tool for a organisation for generating as well as raise higher profits. It is carried down in proper working along with that it influence positive on society. Oakmann Inns I having 16 pubs in over all United Kingdom and they are making higher profits. In this, organisation management is having capability to apply activities of CSR within enterprise. In order to maximise buyers as well as sales of a firms, it is necessary for an entity to make a different image from another. Organisation is utilizing the resources of society as well as it is an important duty to provide certain return within favour of that. It is an only thing from which organisation can give proper return to society by protecting them (Den Hertog and et. al., 2010). In today's times, surroundings are getting exploited according to population as well as days are increasing. This fact should be understand by organisation as well as start organising some programmes which are value based for certain things.

    Topic: “Implementing CSR activities within an organisation to meet sustainable objectives”

    Research background

    Sustainable objectives are useful in context of which help in declining of societies issues as well as raise their operations for getting things accomplished in an effective way. It is done by taking part in CSR activity plan for improving standards of society (Gharajedaghi, 2011). As per plans in which hotels have to improve issues of environmental as well as conserve it for maintaining sustainability. Their are various other rivals already use this fact in enterprise as well as gain benefits of this. Therefore, gaining a share market, organisation can adopt strategies as well as apply in an effective way.

    In order to create a different image from others, they have to employ some of tools and techniques along with that process which are useful in such term. In this, government support this type of company who actively take part in such kind of programmes as they are giving advantage to society standards. Hence, for gaining shares of market as well as competitive benefits of Oakmann Inns play an appropriate role.

    Aim: To apply activities of CSR in the company to meet sustainable objective: A case study on Oakmann Inns.


    • To find out the plan of Corporate social responsibility in gaining the objective of sustainability
    • To find out relation within competitive advantage and CSR for Oakmann Inns
    • To control the positive influence of CSR on enterprise
    • To analyse the different method for gaining competitive benefits by CSR

    Research questions

    • How the corporate social responsibility plan will aid in meeting the objective of sustainability?
    • What is the relation within competitive benefits and CSR for Oakmann Inns?
    • What are main methods for gaining competitive benefits by such kind of programmes?

    All the things are linked with assignment for making good understanding. It is useful for long term existence of a enterprise as well as give growth as well. Therefore, it is gaining a competitive benefit of CSR plan is one of best method.

    P2 Produce a project management plan

    Plan is a useful tool for managing task in an effective way. As per plan, entire work is accomplished in an systematic way which is an important thing for making a successful business assignment. Managers play a very vital role as well as they have to take proper participation for such consent as well. Project management plan consists quality, risk, time, scope and cost for running a enterprise as well as an entity effectively for each fresh project. In relationship to maximise enterprise, company have to consider this concept in account more effectively. Oakmann Inns have to find out their plan of project management as well as work on it.

    • Scope: Project scope is mainly high as compared others due to society. Within society, Corporate social responsibility will lead to make different image of organisation in relation to growth or survive and along with that improve society standards (Gustafson, 2012). Campaign of environment protection will support them in maintaining environment as well as shoe their care towards it.
    • Risk management: It is an important thing which is linked with each assignment is having a risk behind it. Leaders as well as manager have to utilise their measures as well as skills all such factors of risk which are linked with it. It aid them in overcome with uncertainties along with that manage enterprise project successfully.
    • Quality control: Quality attract mainly in service sector business. They have to measure their quality of providing services so that they can meet higher customers as well as make them aware about fresh projects which is in society favour.
    • Cost: Value is linked with assignment also have to analyse them by senior authority as well as managers for applying. If they found the project cost high then identify the effective paths from which finance get minimise as well as arrange wastage which is linked with it.
    • Time: A boundaries or given period of time in which project should get accomplished is also needed (Kowalkowski, Kindström and Brehmer, 2011). This assist in making proper operations and make its result much effectively. Management have to make effective period of time for applying the plan of CSR within enterprise. In this, they have to aware about buyers within a limited period of time.
    • Communication: A effective communication transformation or chain of passing information from higher authority to lower level is necessary within company. A perfect entity is in which having a free flow of communicating information can take place. In this CSR plan, they have to make a chain of informal communication in which they are going to communicate a plan to every workers.

    In order to achieve a successful business project, all the above points should have to consider within firms. This assist them in controlling potential of a organisation and manager deal with higher assignments. Therefore, decreasing of risk factor by finding them in another main concern. Measuring a value of project is necessary for comparing the arrangement of fund as well as availability of cash. Scope of these projects is already high due to that it is for society as well as attract customers in an positive way.

    P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart to provide time-frame

    A work breakdown structure estate to divide of all business activities and task in certain units for completing them in an appropriate way. In this, employees are providing roles as well as responsibilities according to their level of skills and knowledge, its result improve their employees performance level. Oakmann Inns has create a work breakdown structure for completing the activities of assignment within a limited period of time. Their are several tools and techniques that assist in determining a project management of business activities. Gantt chart is used for increasing firms potential by effective planning of company and work channelising in several employees of the organisation. Oakmann Inns must sure that distribution of task within employees according to their calibre, potential, efficiency and attitude. Company have to make sure for making a positive surrounding within company and make their labours happy. It will aid manager to increase coordination as well as collaboration within employees. For effective growth of organisation have to observe as well as understand their employees which will give them ideas about strength and weaknesses of firms to sustain for a long time within competitive marketplace (What is a Gantt Chart?, 2017). In order to increase potential as well as growth of company must conduct as well as plan different speeches of seminars for motivating employees morale and motivational within business. In order to evaluate organisation performance different tools and techniques are represented within marketplace. Oakmann Inns can analyze business.

    TASK 2

    P4 Small scale research by using qualitative and quantitative method for achieving aims and objectives

    As per developing economy and getting higher competitive advantages, effective information towards customer preferences as well as concern in becoming a inner part of an business. Market research is a best way of raising a satisfaction level and then in-turns of organisation sales. Those approaches which are very helpful in controlling efficiency and effectiveness in gathering data and information for a enterprise which are not taking part in activities of CSR in Oakmann Inns pubs. Their are having a two types of research types are used by organisation for collecting data and information are given below:

    • Qualitative research: This type of research project are on the basis of collecting the data of historical and evaluating them. It is utilise to evaluate behaviour, approaches, attitudes and thinking f organisation (Kumar, Petersen and Leone, 2013). Their are several data which are collected from various geographical boundary on the context of certain factors like as religion, community, name, culture, tradition, ethics etc.
    • Quantitative research: In this, it mean that collecting of data as well as information in numerical form. It is very critical work as gathering data by several surveys, research and mathematical analysis which allow organisation to conduct a better analysing of business structure performance.

    Therefore, 50 participates are selected for gathering feedback as per digitalization acquisition and impact on small scale business. Here, design of questionnaire which is given below:





    Q1) Does organisation carried out the activities linked to CSR?

    • No
    • Yes

    Q2) Is the CSR is useful in achieving the sustainable goals?

    • Disagree
    • Agree

    Q3) With the help of Corporate social responsibility activities, can Oakmann Inns gave a positive influence on society?

    • No
    • Yes

    Q4) As per your viewpoint, does CSR activities assess in meeting the competitive advantage?

    • Agree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly agree

    Q5) Will be the benefits to CSR planning activities within business?

    • Increase goodwill
    • Increase the customer base
    • To maintaining and creating a image within market place

    Q6) As per your perception, is government provide several benefits to business which contribute in the activities of Corporate Social Responsibilities?

    • Yes
    • No

    Q7) Under what period of time, Oakmann Inns must do activities linked to CSR?

    • In a year
    • Under a month
    • After 6 months

    Q8) On what matter, organisation can perform the Corporate Social Responsibilities activities?

    • Child safety
    • Safety and security related to environment
    • Women environment

    Q9) Suggest some approaches in which the Oakmann Inns do some market linked activities within market.

    Q1) Does organisation carried out the activities linked to CSR?

    • No


    • Yes


    Q2) Is the CSR is useful in achieving the sustainable goals?

    • Disagree


    • Agree


    Q3) With the help of Corporate social responsibility activities, can Oakmann Inns gave a positive influence on society?

    • No


    • Yes


    Q4) As per your viewpoint, does CSR activities assess in meeting the competitive advantage?

    • Agree


    • Disagree


    • Strongly agree


    Q5) Will be the benefits to CSR planning activities within business?

    • Increase goodwill


    • Increase the customer base


    • To maintaining and creating a image within market place


    Q6) As per your perception, is government provide several benefits to business which contribute in the activities of Corporate Social Responsibilities?

    • Yes


    • No


    Q7) Under what period of time, Oakmann Inns must do activities linked to CSR?

    • In a year


    • Under a month


    • After 6 months


    Q8) On what matter, organisation can perform the Corporate Social Responsibilities activities?

    • Child safety


    • Safety and security related to environment


    • Women environment


    Q9) Suggest some approaches in which the Oakmann Inns do some market linked activities within market.

    TASK 3

    P5 Data analysis by using appropriate tools ad techniques

    Theme 1 CSR Activities carried out by company

    Q1) Does organisation carried out the activities linked to CSR?

    • No


    • Yes


    Interpretation: As per above bar chart, company carry out various activities linked to CSR. In which 20 respondents are saying no that firm does not carry out functions linked to customers social responsibility and 30 respondents are saying yes that organisation linked their companies activities to CSR. In this, having higher majority of respondents is of yes it mean that firm linked their activities with CSR.

    Theme 2 CSR is helpful in meeting sustainable goals

    Q2) Is the CSR is useful in achieving the sustainable goals?

    • Disagree


    • Agree


    Interpretation: As per above pie chart shows that CSR is useful in achieving the sustainable goals. In which, 40 respondents are agree that because of CSR it help in meeting of sustainable goals and 10 respondents are disagree as they mean that this activities do not aid in achieving sustainable targets of the organisation. In this majority is of agreed respondents is higher it mean that activities of CSR help in meeting sustainable goals.

    Theme 3 Corporate social responsibility gave positive impact on society

    Q3) With the help of Corporate social responsibility activities, can Oakmann Inns gave a positive influence on society?

    • No


    • Yes


    Interpretation: In this above graph, by the help of CSR activities, can Oakmann Inns gave a positive impact to society. In this, 35 respondents say that activities of CSR gave positive influence to organisation and 15 respondents say that do not help of CSR activities gave positive impact on company. In this, having majority of saying that CSR help in giving positive impact to society.

    Theme 4 Corporate social responsibility activity in achieving competitive benefits

    Q4) As per your viewpoint, does CSR activities assess in meeting the competitive advantage?

    • Agree


    • Disagree


    • Strongly agree


    Interpretation: As per above bar graph, CSR activities assess in meeting the competitive advantage. In this, 10 respondents are agree that assess CSR activities in achieving competitive advantages, 5 respondents are disagree that assess activities of CSR in attains competitive benefits and 35 respondents are strongly agree that this activity aid in meeting competitive advantages.

    Theme 5 Advantages to CSR activities in enterprise

    Q5) Will be the benefits to CSR planning activities within business?

    • Increase goodwill


    • Increase the customer base


    • To maintaining and creating a image within market place


    Interpretation: In this above pie chart, what benefits to CSR planning activities within business. In this, 30 respondents are aid in maintaining as well as creating a image within market, 10 respondents say that this activity will aid in maintaining customer base and 10 respondents say that CSR activity will help in raising companies reputation. Most respondents are saying that this activity help in maintaining image within market.

    Theme 6 Government give various advantages to enterprise which contribute to CSR activities

    Q6) As per your perception, is government provide several benefits to business which contribute in the activities of Corporate Social Responsibilities?

    • Yes


    • No


    Interpretation: As per above graph, government give several benefits to business which contribute in the activities of Corporate Social Responsibilities. In this, 10 respondents say no that government do not give advantages in contributing towards CSR and 40 respondents say that government gave advantages to enterprise while contributing in CSR activities. In this majority is that government provide benefit to firm in contributing towards CRS activity.

    Theme 7 In what time period does organisation should linked to CSR

    Q7) Under what period of time, Oakmann Inns must do activities linked to CSR?

    • In a year


    • Under a month


    • After 6 months


    Interpretation: As per above bar graph, what period of time, Oakmann Inns must do activities linked to CSR. 25 respondents say that after 6 month Oakmann Inns must do activities which are related to CSR, under a month 10 respondents are saying that organisation have to accomplish activities linked to CSR and within a year 15 respondents are saying that organisation should linked with CSR activities. In this, it mean that after 6 month company will link to activities to CSR.

    Theme 8 Company can perform CSR in which matter

    Q8) On what matter, organisation can perform the Corporate Social Responsibilities activities?

    • Child safety


    • Safety and security related to environment


    • Women environment


    Interpretation: As per above pie chart, what matter organisation can perform the Corporate Social Responsibilities activities. In this, 25 respondents matter security and safety linked to environment can perform in CSR activities, 15 respondents matter women environment within company perform these activities and 10 respondents say that child safety matter within company is able to perform activities of CSR.

    P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations for drawing a valid conclusion

    As per above report the it has been concluded that CSR are very must for Oakmann Inns for attracting higher numbers of buyers and creating reputation within a marketplace. It can only happen when company management adopt efficiency as well as effective method and use activities of Corporate Social Responsibilities. In order to the advantages of local community, it is must to choose it in a right manner. Various different approaches within enterprise can use which are given below:

    • The most common as well as important approach is donated to a charitable trust. In UK, there are various charitable trust which is require financial help, so there is a requirement to organisation to donate certain amount for society trust or welfare. It is a very simple as well as easy way due to there is no requirement to Oakmann Inn to organise plan for helping them by giving finance. If organisation is an first stage, then this type of function is beneficial.
    • On other hand, environmental safety is very necessary for abusiveness organizations. Therefore, it is manager duty of hotel to take care of safety as well as also develop certain regulations and rules, hotel policies for environment safety within a working environment. It is an advantage for hotels with their buyers. By the help of this customers are impressed and satisfied from their services of hotel and aid in sustaining for a long time of their existing buyers of Hotel.

    TASK 4

    P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet the standard

    At the time of accomplishing this research, I realized that project aims, as well as objectives, are made by evaluating report work and activities. Within this, there are several factors which gave an effect on my research project i.e. time, cost, and identifying some activities which lead a report as well as means of arranging them in proper and business venture. For this purpose, I utilize is Gantt chart, pie charts, bar graphs, etc. for gathering the appropriate information. In this, I also feel that my skills of communication are not much effective it affect my report in interacting with customers as well as collecting data and information. They also have to make an effective schedule within time so that all business activities are accomplished within a period of time.

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    As per the above report, it has been concluded that the objective as well as aims of a provided topic. It also gives development to the entire society and aid in enhancing customers living standards by giving them the opportunity of the job as well as a plan for managing a report is enhanced as it provides a comprehensive outline of what to meet in the initial stage of the assignment. There are several techniques as well as tools that succeed in increasing organization potentially within the structure of the company. In order to evaluate as well as test sustainability and productivity of products Gantt chart is utilized for analyzing it in a better manner. It is necessary for small-scale business units to do research within the marketplace for analyzing the needs as well as wants of their potential customers and targeted buyers. Along with that, they interpret data analysis are completed in the context of the company.


    • Den Hertog, P and et. al., 2010. Capabilities for managing service innovation: towards a conceptual framework.Journal of service Management.21(4). pp.490-514.
    • Gharajedaghi, J., 2011. Systems thinking: Managing chaos and complexity: A platform for designing business architecture. Elsevier.
    • Gustafson, P., 2012. Managing business travel: Developments and dilemmas in corporate travel management. Tourism management.33(2). pp.276-284.
    • Kowalkowski, C., Kindström, D. and Brehmer, P. O., 2011. Managing industrial service offerings in global business markets. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.26(3). pp.181-192.
    • Kumar, V., Petersen, J. A. and Leone, R. P., 2013. Defining, measuring, and managing business reference value. Journal of Marketing.77(1). pp.68-86.

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